In 2011, State Records will be marking its 50th anniversary
What was the terrible choice given to James Freeman, a First Fleet convict found guilty in the Criminal Court in February 1788 of stealing flour?
This was an important post in the criminal justice system at the time.
All will be revealed when the first batch of documents goes live later this year.
Category: Digital 2.0
Tag: 50th
Melissa says:
There’s some interesting books and articles on what happened to many convicts on the First Fleet. Whilst I won’t spoil the surprise about what happened to him, the role undertaken by James Freeman certainly had to be one of the more unusual ones. There’s some law books around which provide a bit of detail on the case and the later events surrounding James.
Debbie says:
What a choice! No wonder he got caught for being drunk in 1789… I think I would have been a full blown alcoholic. It really beggars belief how cruel people can be.
I guess in another two centuries we (or they!) will be looking back to now and asking “how could they be so inhumane?” too.
Golden Nuggets says:
The Gallery is now live – the first nine records are available to view, including the answer to this “Sneak Peak”

Cheryl C says:
We do indeed know what Fames was up to in Feb 1799 he is my GGGGGGF. and I an very glad he took the role rather the the other option…Would live to know more of what happed to him until his death in 1832 …