Archives Outside

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Archives Outside - For people who love, use and manage archives

Conservation Tip No. 9 – Sticky Tape (Quick Facts)



Rubber based adhesive/sellophane carrier.

Acrylic based adhesive/     plastic carrier


Cellotape Magic tape
 Looks yellow. Looks white.


There are many different
adhesive recipes. They age differently and are soluble in different solvent mixes.
 Adhesive does not degrade as much. Solvents are generally not required to remove residue.


 Adhesive oxidises with time, in several stages:-Goes gooey

-Oozes from under the carrier, so it gets dark, sticky edges

-Darkens and seeps into paper

-Oxidisescompletely and looses stickiness, carrier peels off.

Adhesive doesn’t degrade as much. Does not change collour.It:-Goes slightly gooey.-Seeps from under carrier slightly, so it gets sticky edges.

Damage to paper/card

-Severe yellow staining
-Slight staining-Can cause inks to become feathery, especially non-water soluble ones (red, blue biro)


Different techniques
appropriate for different stages
of degradation.Gooey/Ooze stages:-Apply heat (hairdryer)-Remove carrier by sliding a blade between it and the paper-Remove adhesive residue using a crepe square. If there is a lot
of very gooey adhesive, balling it up using a scalpel blade can work.

Dark/oxidised stage:

-Peel carrier off with hand or scalpel

-Scrape off adhesive residue
with scalpel blade

-Staining can be decreased removing some of the residue using solvents or mixes of solvents, many of which require a license to purchase.

-Apply heat (hairdryer)-Remove carrier by sliding a blade between
it and the paper-Remove adhesive residue using a crepe square. If there is a lot
of very gooey adhesive, balling it up using
scalpel blade can work.-Leftover adhesive residue can sometimes be removed swabbing with solvents or mixes
of solvents, many of which require a license to purchase.