A Moment in Time……
After the challenge of the last Moment in Time here’s something that is (hopefully) a little bit easier…a view of Circular Quay.
With any luck the cityscape and wharves can provide the clues that we need to date this photograph.
We have many other undated photographs in Photo Investigator and on our Flickr account. If you know the dates or any other interesting facts about these images please let us know.
Category: -- Can you date...?
Tag: Circular Quay, Moments in Time
enno says:
Well the customs house is there. I don’t know if the dome is on the customs house or behind it… where ?
Then the Lands Department with its tower ? The the GPO – tower possibly under construction ? Then the Sydney Town Hall.
Someone will have the dates of all those edifices closer to hand than I do.
enno says:
I was wrong again, the customs house is the unobstusive building right in the centre of the photo, the larger building to the left of it with similar proportions but larger is something else which is not there now. Thats where the c.1964 AMP building stands.
Anthea Brown says:
Thanks @enno for getting the ball rolling! I see over on the Flickr version that there are now numerous notes on the photo identifying buildings.
Anna Gray says:
Some excellent info has come out of this discussion! Very impressive. The general consensus seems to be 1910 and the evidence backing up this date seems pretty solid! Thanks to all!
For the full discussion re this photo see: