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Archives Outside - For people who love, use and manage archives

Can you date this photograph? [Dean Street, Albury]

A Moment in Time……

This week we have landed in the Murray region – in Dean Street, Albury. We have cars (and bicycles), fashion, store names, a town hall (?) and loads of hustle and bustle. Can you help us to date this photo?

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Dean Street, Albury. Digital ID: 12932-a012-a012X2448000023

We have many other undated photographs in Photo Investigator and on our Flickr account. If you know the dates or any other interesting facts about these images please let us know.

  • JennysOldCars says:

    It’s almost 50-50 split between late 20s and early 30s cars in this photo, which indicates that there could have been enough time for some recovery from the Depression in the automobile purchases in Albury when the photo was taken.
    I suggest the photo is no earlier than 1935-38 – the 1st & 2nd sedans on the left have characteristic mid-later 30s “bustle” boots. 1st car is a 1936 US styled vehicle – maybe an OIdsmobile or a Reo or a Studebaker. It’s the sweep at the rear of the front and back fenders/mudguards that suggest 1936 styling, along with the trunk/boot shape.
    4th car on the right is maybe a Airflow model from the Chrysler/ De Soto stable – that little bright line on bottom of the rear fender skirt is, I think, the chrome stylised strip featured on the Airflows 1934-38.
    I can’t pick out any vehicle that I would date after 1938, if I had to be exact I’d veer to 1936.


    May 10, 2011 at 2:55 pm
  • beachcomberaustralia says:

    I think there’s a clue in the Hume Weir Cafe …

    May 10, 2011 at 3:41 pm
  • Mick Reed says:

    The photo doesn’t show the Art Deco tower of the T & G Building which was built in 1940

    The Mates Building has ‘Mates Limited” above it In 1924 it had TH Mates and Co. (

    So after 1924 and before 1940

    May 10, 2011 at 5:14 pm
  • Jeannette says:

    The name ‘Hume Weir’ was first proposed at the turning of the first sod, Friday 28 November 1919. (The Argus 29/11/1919). The weir construction was such a big event in Albury, the cafe could have been named any time after that.

    May 10, 2011 at 6:24 pm
  • JennysOldCars says:

    Photo can’t have been taken BEFORE 1935 – the car on the left is a very distinctive mid 30’s body style.

    So with Mick Reed’s coment regarding the Art Deco Tower built 1940 the photo has to be from between 1935 and 1940.

    May 10, 2011 at 6:44 pm
  • Anthea Brown says:

    We can practically hear your brains grinding through the gears here; nice work! You have already narrowed the date range down to 1935-1940. The cars have been a good identifier in this one, but also the buildings (and lack of).

    May 11, 2011 at 8:51 am