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Archives Outside - For people who love, use and manage archives
  • beachcomberaustralia says:

    [Hint – It’s not the back-of-Bourke!]

    April 23, 2012 at 6:11 pm
  • pellethepoet says:

    [Yep, not the back – it’s the front!]

    April 24, 2012 at 12:05 am
  • Fiona Sullivan says:

    Ruh-roh. It never ends well for us when @beachcomberaustralia and @pellethepoet start joking around lol. Is it time for another one of these?

    April 24, 2012 at 10:06 am
  • JennysOldCars says:

    No cars! But that’s a clue in itself as there’s no car tyre tracks….yes I know the early cars had really skinny tyres but the tracks on the roadway would have to have been made by a really erratic early car driver as the tiller steering on those vehicles on that road surface would be reasonably precise.

    On the other hand these are horsedrawn vehicle wheel tracks, probably both rubber or iron, which often make a small zig and zag, especially for 2 wheeled vehicles, as the horses shoulders push the collar or breaststrap alternatively forward with each step and thus pull each side of the vehicle a little left or right with each hoof step. Watch any single horse drawn vehicle at the walk move from behind and you will see this slight zig zag, it is also evident when you ride in such a vehicle, especially heavier drays and carts. Having driven horses for many years I love watching that rythmic movement of the vehicle ahead when driving out on a quiet dirt road or the small wanderings of the wheel tracks as the horse makes small meanderings as it moves along.

    So I perhaps look to a date before the first cars on Sydney streets – so before 1900.

    April 24, 2012 at 11:27 am
  • TrishA says:

    From what I can see of the woman (and her dress) walking away from the photographer, I would think around 1880.
    The decoration on the terraces suggests around then too or at least late 1800s. Not sure about the fancy roof elements though.

    April 24, 2012 at 12:55 pm
  • Lorraine says:

    Of course it is Bourke St, Darlinghurst looking north from the corner of Forbes St and Bourke St. If you go to google maps street view and fiddle a bit you can still see the “urn” type finial on the top of the building is still there. The stone wall on the right is part of the Police Station. Has been built up now with a layer of buildings
    It certainly predates the motor vehicle too..
    Love these old detective searches but it helps if you know your city!

    April 24, 2012 at 2:00 pm
  • TrishA says:

    and that police station was built around 1897

    April 24, 2012 at 2:37 pm
  • enno says:

    There were a lot of people pushing and pulling barrows and trolleys of one kind and another around in those days.

    May 2, 2012 at 12:13 pm
  • JennysOldCars says:

    Over on flickr re. this photo beachcomber wrote:
    “The 1895 interactive map show the building at right to be the rear of the Lunatic Receiving House (1868, James Barnet. Full details SMH 17/11/1868 p.5 – ). May or may not be relevant. Hence all the “taxis”?”

    beachcomber that’s interesting about the Lunatic Receiving House. I’m trying to work out why the line-up of 2 wheel drays outside that property, or in Bourke Street for that matter. It’s not all that handy to the harbour and certain work for the drivers I would have thought, maybe there is a carriers yard/stables in one of the properties or it’s a quiet spot for the drivers to wait until their vehicle is needed. By the wheel height and dimensions its a line of trades vehicles, heavy, hardwork drays with typically a simple bench seat for the driver and offsider and what nowadays would be called a ute back – a full wooden floored and sided tray with tailgate. Possibly the most common, and useful of horsedrawn vehicles in Australia at the turn of the last century.

    May 4, 2012 at 10:55 am
  • Anna Gray says:

    Thanks for everyones contributions to this one. We now have this image identified as Bourke Street pre-1900!

    May 8, 2012 at 8:39 am