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For people who love, use and manage archives

Archives Outside - For people who love, use and manage archives

Crowdsourcing Christmas! #Christmasinaalborg (#Juleniaalborg ) – Aalborg City Archives on Instagram

Bente Jensen, archivist Aalborg City Archives

Christmas 2012 will soon be History. This was the slogan of Aalborg City Archives’* Christmas project last year using social media as: Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. The City Archives have celebrated Christmas through calendars with historical films and photos on Facebook, website and Flickr the last couple of years. This year, we added an accession of Christmas photos through social media: Why?

The Christmas Market in Aalborg (photo Anders_Hammer)

The Christmas Market in Aalborg (photo Anders_Hammer)

First because the City Archives lack modern Christmas photographs in the holding. We hold many photographs from the 1900s but lack contemporary documentation of Christmas. At the same time Christmas is a good opportunity because everybody in Denmark connects something with the season.

Secondly because the archives wanted to test a new accession method and user involvement to use in future projects in 2013, # juleniaalborg is a preliminary project.

3rd because we wanted to test whether people wanted to join and if they did, who would?

4th because from a historical point of view it is interesting, which motives people associate with #Christmasinaalborg 2012

Read the full blog post


Category: Digital 2.0