State Records, in partnership with the Royal Australian Historical Society, will be holding a series of free workshops on Managing Local Collections in regional NSW between July and December 2012. The details of these workshops will be available on State Records’ website. A pilot workshop was conducted at History House at 133 Macquarie Street, Sydney on 13 June 2012, attended by participants from a range of different societies and groups. The workshop covered the following areas: storage; developing collection policies; arranging and describing collections; conservation and preservation; databases; digitisation and access policies.
At the end of the workshop participants completed an evaluation sheet. Thank you everyone! This feedback will greatly assist our planning for the workshops scheduled for later in the year.
You want samples? We have samples!
One of the things that a number of participants requested were copies of sample forms and other examples of documents referred to in the presentation. In response to this request these documents have been copied and are now available below. We have also included a number of links to relevant documents on the State Records website, as well as links to other websites.
Keeping Archives
The Australian Society of Archivists’ publication Keeping Archives (3rd edition) provides comprehensive advice and guidance on establishing, managing and developing local collections. Copies are available from the Australian Society of Archivists.
State Records’ Standard on the physical storage of State records is intended for the use by all NSW public offices. Those managing local collections will also find lots of helpful advice in the document.
National Archives of Australia: Preserving you records for the future – this section provides specific information and advice for the preservation of paper, photographic, digital and audiovisual records.
National Film and Sound Archive: Care for audiovisual materials
Keeping Archives (3rd edition) Chapter 3 Buildings & storage
Collection policies
Click images for larger versions.
Acquisition policy – SAMPLE | Deed of gift – SAMPLE |
Sample accession record | Sample accession register |
Sample acknowledgement form![]() |
Sample loan form![]() |
Keeping Archives (3rd edition) Chapter 7 Accessioning
Arrangement and description
Keeping Archives (3rd edition) Chapter 8 Arrangement and description
Conservation and preservation
State Records NSW: The role of Preservation
We have developed counter disaster strategies for records and recordkeeping systems designed specifically for use within the public sector. Societies and groups will find the Model Disaster Plan of use in planning their disaster preparedness strategy (see
State Records NSW: Contents of a disaster recovery bin or water damage recovery kit (Guideline 5)
Our blog has a special section providing guidance on conservation and on preservation
Keeping Archives (3rd edition) Chapter 4 Preservation
Archival databases and the management of local collections (PDF, 52kb) by Dr Kate Cumming
How to prepare for a collection management system (PDF, 31kb) by Dr Kate Cumming
National Library Australia Digitisation Guidelines
Our Future Proof blog has a special section on highlights nine risk factors to be aware of when undertaking digitisation projects
Keeping Archives (3rd edition) Chapter 13 Digitisation and Imaging
Keeping Archives (3rd edition) Chapter 15 Digital recordkeeping
Access policies
State Records NSW: Manage record access and security
Keeping Archives (3rd edition) Chapter 11 Access and reference services
Christine Yeats
Manager, Public Access
Christine Yeats says:
Also, for groups and societies seeking further advice on setting up, developing and managing their local collections the Australian Society of Archivists’ publication Keeping Archives (3rd edition) provides comprehensive advice. Copies of the publication are available from the Australian Society of Archivists. For further information go to:
The following chapters provide additional advice on the areas covered in the Managing local collections workshops
Chapter 3 Buildings & Storage
Chapter 7 Accessioning
Chapter 8 Arrangement and description
Chapter 4 Preservation
Chapter 13 Digitisation and Imaging and Chapter 15 Digital recordkeeping
Chapter 11 Access and reference services.
Anthea Brown says:
Thanks Christine, I’ve updated the post to include these extra resources.
Jan Koperberg says:
Thank you for the Collection Policies and for the links to the other documents. The pilot workshop was very good and Blue Mountains Association of Cultural Heritage Organisations is looking forward to the workshop to be held in the Blue Mountains, at Hobby’s Reach on 24 November.
Jan Koperberg
Blue Mountains Association of Cultural Heritage Organisations Inc
Fiona Sullivan says:
Thanks for the feedback @Jan Koperberg, it is much appreciated. Christine Yeats did an amazing job to pull this together at a very busy time!
Christine Yeats says:
I have been referring back to the Managing Local Collections Blog and the Conservation Tips for my talk for Liverpool and District Historical Society on the importance of community archives next weekend.