Archives Outside

For people who love, use and manage archives

Archives Outside - For people who love, use and manage archives

May 2010: Link roundup post

A few links to share for the month of May…..

State Records “In Living Memory” Exhibition Tour featured on Stateline

State Records touring exhibition of former Aborigines Welfare Board records and pictures was featured in a story on Stateline on Friday May  14.  Click here to view the video.

International Archives Day June 9 2010 – What are your plans?

Want to learn more about International Archives Day and what it means for Archives? Check out this web page from the Australian Society of Archivists .

The International Archives Day offers archivists throughout the world a tremendous opportunity to promote the cause of records and archives….. 

Foyles War may have ended but never fear there is still @ukwarcabinet on twitter

For those of you looking for a World War two information fix try following the progress of the war day by day as seen through the eyes of the United Kingdom War Cabinet on Twitter .

27 May 1940
No information on Army casualties. “Some personnel” withdrawn from France. Ship leaving Dunkirk “heavily attacked”

Do you fish? – Join the #collectionfishing game with CAN001 on twitter

The Collections Australia Network has started collection fishing on Twitter. Participants post relevant items from a collection that relate to a chosen theme using the hashtag #collectionfishing. Read here to find out how it all works!

How to avoid information loss in the digital age

As part of its contribution to Information Awareness Month the team at Future Proof  have produced a leaflet outlining strategies to prevent data loss.

Digital information is easy to create, share and use and is today a vital business resource, critical for business activity and efficient operations. Digital information however is very easy to lose and this can become a very costly problem for your organisation to manage and to deal with into the future.

The power of data

An interesting article from Simon Rogers at The Guardian about the potential impact on journalism of the upcoming release of government data sets in the UK.

Adrian Holovaty, says it’s going to be challenging but exciting for journalists. “As more governments open their data, journalists lose privileged status as gatekeepers of information – but the need for their work as curators and explainers increases. The more data that’s available in the world, the more essential it is for somebody to make sense of it.”

“The Semantic Web” and “Linked Data & Archival Description”

Check out these presentations featured on the Archives Next blog to learn more about the Semantic Web (Web 3.0) and the role of linked data and archival description.