Archives Outside

For people who love, use and manage archives

Archives Outside - For people who love, use and manage archives

January 2011: Link Roundup post

Just some of the interesting items we have found online.

collaborative movement drawing

Dating a primary school cookbook

I could not leave a book behind on an Op Shop shelf recently. I came across the “Eltham Primary Cookbook” and it is soon to be added to the Local History collection at Eltham Library. Unfortunately it has no date. The spiral bound book was illustrated by students and typed up by “mums and teachers”.
Travel back in time to your childhood (well, mine at least)»

2011 Disaster Management – Conservation Resources

There are numerous sites from across the Galleries Libraries Archives and Museum sector offering advice on how to deal with water damage and CAN has compiled a list of some of these …
View the CAN list »

Has anyone seen my cabinet?

In March 1997, a replica of the HMB Endeavour arrived in the UK from Australia. Aboard was a hand-crafted Cabinet of Curiosities……..Where is it now?
Can you help? ….. Read more »

The digital afterlife…..made any plans?


It’s now taken for granted that the things we do online are reflections of who we are or announcements of who we wish to be. So what happens to this version of you that you’ve built with bits? Who will have access to which parts of it, and for how long?Not many people have given serious thought to these questions.
Read the full article from Rob Walker at the New York Times »

Machiavelli 2.0

In the 21st Century the ‘network’ has transcended the academic context and entered the wider field of the political discourse. Policy networks, networked governance, peer production, massive collaboration, open government, and radical transparency have become part of our political vocabulary that we rely on to legitimize why and how we act collectively. With web technologies and social media, such as interchangeable data-formats, wikis, transparency, and social networking, network society has become part of the mainstream global public policy discourse.
Read on »

  • Liz says:

    Thanks for reposting my cookbook blog. A bit of fun – it turned out a student at the school at the time could identify if for me as being published between 1979 and 1985. We will now keep it for prosperity in our collection.

    January 30, 2011 at 4:46 pm
  • Fiona Sullivan says:

    Thanks for the update Liz, that’s great news! Primary school cookbooks are the best.

    January 31, 2011 at 12:58 pm