We recently discovered a little gem in our collection – a probate document that had been torn into several pieces and then hand-stitched back together with great care and skill.
Category Archives: Preservation
Moving and Handling Archives – The Basics
These tips are from our in-house manual handling procedures and guidelines that were prepared by our Senior Conservator, Elizabeth Hadlow.
A wet start to 2011
Over on our website we have begun a list of useful resources under the broad heading Dealing With Wet Records which covers topics such as handling wet records, salvaging water damaged materials, and (more generally) disasters and records.
Conservation Tip No 7: Upright support for books in storage
The U-Splint book support (Splint) is a simple alternative being trialled at State Records to help minimize further damage and support the book structure without the need for costly treatment.
Disaster Recovery – a SlideShare presentation
We decided to stay with the Conservation theme and highlight a SlideShare presentation on Disaster Recovery.
Conservation Tip No. 6: Dealing with wet records
Before going into any detail about the salvage and handling of wet records the importance of relevant training cannot be stressed enough.
Conservation Tip No 5: Removing mould from records and archives
Removing mould can be difficult, dirty and time consuming. Mould remediation should not be undertaken lightly – especially where large quantities of records are affected.
MayDay 2010 – Saving our Heritage
Australia’s archives, galleries, libraries, museums and heritage places are gearing up for the national MayDay campaign in a bid to protect the nation’s heritage from avoidable disasters.
Conservation Tip No. 4: A Method of Rehousing Glass Plate Negatives
Glass plate negatives are extremely fragile and need to be handled very carefully. The glass is old and brittle and plates may have been cracked or broken and will sustain further damage if not treated with care.