I’ve just installed this WordPress survey plugin from Memedex and thought the best way to test it out was to create a poll for you!
It’s a simple one question poll and should only take about 3 seconds of your time. Click an option then “Vote” and view the poll results.
The text on the poll seems quite small, doesn’t it? And the little avatar is kinda creepy. I will most likely move these snap polls to the sidebar in future and include more meaningful surveys in posts.
What’s my fave?
As for me: my current favourite social media platform is Twitter. I recently set up a State Records account and find it quick, easy and fun to use.
Still new to the tweetosphere, my tweets are mostly about new additions to the State Records website, tips from this blog and the Future Proof website with a link to the relevant webpage. Twitter allows updates using only 140 characters. Long urls take up too many characters so I use Tweetburner to generate a short url, or twurl.

So what’s your fave?
We’d love you to take part in the poll. If you have an “archives” account on any of these social media websites please let us know in the comments. If you are using something else which you find useful please let us know.
By the way, if you come across this poll and it’s not a Friday you can still fill it in!