Keep up with all the latest from the Australian Society of Archivists National Conference.
Ahoy there! uses Crowdsourcing to transcribe archives and support scientific and historical research
As part of an exciting new Crowdsourcing project is asking members of the public to help transcribe information in the naval logbooks of Royal Navy warships from the WW1 era.
Seminar for Community Groups (Orange NSW): Managing archival collections
Are you a member of a community group, historical society or family history group with an archival collection?
National Police Remembrance Day
Tomorrow (29 September 2010) is National Police Remembrance Day
Macquarie Pier Plaque Unveiled
The Coal River Working Party has assembled an archaeological ‘Time Team’ team with the professional expertise drawn across Government, Business and community to re-discover the Macquarie Pier Foundation Stone.
Archives Outside has reached another milestone today with its 500th comment!
Crowdsourcing for Archives and Libraries
“There is huge potential for libraries to harness digital volunteers. Libraries need to give up ‘power and control’ thinking and look to freedom instead. Harriet Rubin, business publisher and author talking about success says “Freedom is actually a bigger game than power. Power is about what you can control. Freedom is about what you can unleash””
June 2010: Link roundup post
Sydney photographs by suburb, Privacy and Web2.0, Stonehenge in Texas and more…
Follow the “2nd Annual Web 2.0 in Government” conference on Twitter
Follow the action at the “2nd Annual Web2.0 in Government Conference” on Twitter.