A few weeks ago, Fiona and I set to some serious business – to interview Richard Gore, Manager of Archives Control and a key member of the Committee responsible for the development of the 50th Anniversary Digital Gallery.
Category Archives: Digital 2.0
How open data opens the possibilities
Let’s be clear: no-one is messing with the ‘purity’ of the data; it all remains intact. Information stored in databases isn’t compromised – these clever techno-savvy types are simply thinking more laterally than most of us and demonstrating the less travelled, but nevertheless important, paths the data can take.
Opening the Catalogue
State Records NSW recently established an Open Data Project with the aim of identifying datasets relating to the NSW State Archives collection and publishing them in accessible ways.
Digital State archives
We are very excited to finally be able to announce that funding has been secured that will allow us to start a three year project to develop and implement a digital State archives solution for the New South Wales Government.
Update: Your name in lights – see the stars!
We asked if you had photos (or other information) to contribute that would complement the current content and as a result get your name in lights. It turns out light bulbs have been very effective for this particular mission. We have been delighted with the response and impressed with your efforts!
Your photo –> Your Name in Lights! Well, in bold lettering anyways…
The Kieran Gallery is not as complete as we’d like it to be and we thought you might be able to help. We know how much you love to date photos from our collection. It got us thinking that perhaps you also take photographs yourselves?
50th Anniversary Sneak Peak: A Room With A View
Why was Macquarie furious with settlers who had suffered serious losses in the major floods that occurred during his time as Governor?
Highlights from CAARA 2010
A week and a half ago I attended the CAARA / NAA residential “Archives 2.0 – interacting with the future”.
Are you ready for Follow An Archive day?
Are you an archivist? Do you have ideas you want to share? Do you want to promote your archives? How?