Moments in Time has been keeping our brains active for almost a year now. I’m sure it’s as good for us as cryptic crosswords! What some of you may not realise is that this hobby has spilled over into our Flickr photostream.
Can you date this photo of [not Hyde] Victoria Park?
Here is another photograph to brood over – Hyde Park Sydney. This one may be difficult as there are no cars or people to give us any clues but plenty of buildings in the background to be identified. Having said that it may be a cinch!
Disaster Recovery – a SlideShare presentation
We decided to stay with the Conservation theme and highlight a SlideShare presentation on Disaster Recovery.
Did you know 1 in 6 minutes spent online is on a social media site? What I learned at the 2010 Web 2.0 and Government Conference
The two day conference was jam-packed with speakers, presentations, food and of course, tweets. Below is a summary, with some useful links, of what I took away from the conference.
The Archivist and The Aardvark [another comic strip]
Ready for another slice of archival humour? The Archivist and the Aardvark is back!
Tips for Dating Photos – “The List”
Back in April we asked you What Are Your Tips for Dating Photos? We had such a huge response that we decided to place all the tips together in one print-friendly file (PDF) for you all to download and use.
Making our digital nation [a YouTube video]
Rose Holley talks about digital volunteers and the amazing things they are achieving. She also speaks about the innovative crowdsourcing projects at the National Library of Australia.
Australian soldiers in black and white
While the soldiers will probably remain unidentified we actually don’t know where the military camp(s) is. They could be soldiers preparing for the Boer war or, perhaps, the photos even pre-date that era.
What are your tips for dating photographs?
Many images in our collection have come to us with only the barest of details attached. Your knowledge, interest and enjoyment in identifying dates and locations is helping us to fill in some of the blanks and, in turn, provide better access to the State’s archives.