Today we head back into regional NSW with an interior shot of Hay Court House.
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Keep up with all the latest from the Australian Society of Archivists National Conference.
Ahoy there! uses Crowdsourcing to transcribe archives and support scientific and historical research
As part of an exciting new Crowdsourcing project is asking members of the public to help transcribe information in the naval logbooks of Royal Navy warships from the WW1 era.
User comments on online archival collections
I recently stumbled across a SlideShare presentation which analysed three online archival collections and the comments left by visitors.
Seminar for Community Groups (Orange NSW): Managing archival collections
Are you a member of a community group, historical society or family history group with an archival collection?
When archives, art & science intersect – interdisciplinary research and the Newcastle landscape
“This was a perfect opportunity to spark an interdisciplinary ‘science meets the arts’ research approach to these important historical works.”
Can you date this photograph? (Pier One, Walsh Bay)
Pier One, Walsh Bay
September 2010: Link roundup post
Digital disposal, archivist song, machine tags, animated stereotypes and more…….
National Police Remembrance Day
Tomorrow (29 September 2010) is National Police Remembrance Day